Mike Conley

Earth is a nuclear planet
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Earth is a Nuclear Planet

This page-turning book revolutionizes how we view nuclear power. With wit and clarity, ENP dismantlies misinformation and nuclear fear with captivating facts. Endorsed by leading scientists in the field, ENP illuminates the science and highlights the
enormous potential of nuclear energy for a carbon-free future.

“A science-focused, passionate rebuttal that aptly addresses and dispels the panic…”
— Kyle Hill
Award-winning Science Educator on YouTube

Mike Conley

Author and Screenwriter

Mike is a writer living in the hills of Echo Park, a mile from downtown Los Angeles and a stone’s throw from Dodger Stadium.

Fascinated by science since he was a child, Mike was drawn to the ingenuity, simplicity and safety of the Molten Salt Reactor.

To learn more, he became a member of the Thorium Energy Alliance, a close-knit community of MSR advocates. His approach to the brainiacs he’s met through the TEA is simple: If they explain their technology to him, he’ll explain it to the world. This book is part of that ongoing project.

Mike Conley

"Blunt and fact-filled... Highly recommended."

-- Robert Bryce, Author of 'A Question of Power'

Earth is a nuclear planet
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Earth is a Nuclear Planet​

Nuclear power is simply the best, and the safest, solution for a carbon-free future. No other large-scale national or global solution  even comes close. This book explains why in page-turning, entertaining, and non-technical language. 

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