RTN 3D Cover Updated

While the dream of an all-renewables future has captured the imagination of millions, the more you dig into the details and pencil it out, the sketchier it seems. 

Roadmap to Nowhere is a lively rebuttal to Mark Z Jacobson’s popular 100% WWS (wind-water-solar) “roadmap” for 2050. Mike and his co-author Tim Maloney compare Jacobson’s plan to a Green Nuclear Deal—their equally bold (but entirely feasible) proposal for a national all-nuclear grid. 

Comparing these two starkly different plans is an effective way to highlight the pros and cons of nuclear power and renewables, with the differences becoming more pronounced as Mike and Tim scale them to their logical (or illogical) conclusions. 

So if you’ve ever wondered how an all-renewables national grid—or anything close to it—could possibly work, or what a nuclear grid would look like, this book is the place to start. 

(Spoiler alert—nuclear wins!)

Coming Soon!